Good day to you everyone! I’m here to give you guys a few tips on how to make cool cash while still on campus and still do well as long as you give equal time to it as your studies. I have seen and noticed many students are fast becoming enterprenuers and are learning how to combine school work with business and as such, I felt it an obligation for me to outline ways through which student can maximise profit on campus. Below are a few which I’ll be outlining;
1. Barbing hair/hair making: this is a fast growing business on campus as there is hardly when a girl wouldnt want to have her hair done almost impossible. it is a trade in which one can learn in the space of just six(6) months. you can learn this one in a barbing saloon or beauty school depending on which you can afford. after that you can offer to work there to raise a little money to buy your own set of equipment.
2. Nail fixing: This is another lucrative business on campus which can fetch you N5000 on the average from what I’ve heard fixing an average nail goes for as high as N1000. If you can raise sufficient money then why not?although it requires a little much to start up
3. Make up: This is one of the latest trending businesses that is trending among ladies . It is one of the businesses that require creativity and skill. Ladies that are inclined stand a better chance in this kind of business and this doesn’t not leave the men/guys out as many guys have being successful in this line of business.
4. Tailoring/Fashion designing: My God!If there is any other business I’d advice you to go for, it will be this one. It requires sufficient training in a fashion school but it is very lucrative on campus(well in the campus I’m in anyway). You can start by making your own clothes and then you move on to make some for some of your friends. This will give you enough publicity and how good you are will determine how well business will go for you.
5. Shoe making: This is also a good one! Many nigerians of today prefer made shoes than the ones they buy in boutiques and stores although it will require a lot of training from a shoe maker, if you can make make good and quality products that can match foreign products then my brother/sister you are good to go in this business.
6. Ushering: This is another trending business although i dont really thing ive seen many guys doing it but its quite common among ladies. The lowest I think I have heard of is 2-10k for a day but if you get the right kind of connections you can make up to 40 grand per day. Although to start with this you have to look around for handbills and sometimes talk to a friend already in it.
7. Blogging: This may not be very lucrative as it used to be because there are already so many bloggers around and its quite possible that there will be known blogs in your school aside yours its quite possible. To be successful it in this kind of line of business (in my own opinion oooo) you have to know how to write codes basically HTML for your blog to look attractive and generate traffic as in visitors. Another thing you need is creativity you have to be very creative and learn to be original. If you are able to generate traffic this gives you the likelihood of being approved by Google Adsense and even advertise for people and have them pay for it. If you need more enlightenment on this just as me up with my data is below.
8. Fashion Retailing: This is one of the oldest businesses on campuses and from what I’m seeing most students are dumping it for others but if you know what you want you work towards doing it well. This involves buying clothes, shoes and other accessories and selling to fellow students. Most times students who are into this business use thier own pocket money to buy these things during the holidays and then sell them when school is back on but if you need my own advice on this I’d advice you to go for whats trending.
9. Photography: Most students cant just do without taking pictures especially girls

and those that are into modelling and those who are aspiring to be models. You can take advantage of this by using it to make coooooooool money on campuses. Besides photoshoots that you will be taking there will be some events in school that would need documentation and once you are well known most lecturers will be calling you to take photographs at thier events.
10. Catering: You can also make it in school through this business. Making cakes for birthdays is very lucrative especially on campus where student celebrate birthday almost everyday and different kind of cakes are used for different birthday on campus. Cakes like kush cakes{marijuana laced cakes}, chocolate cakes, etc are used on campus for birthdays and students can only get them for their fellow students due to laziness to get it themselves outside campus.
Furthermore you can also learn to do small chops and snacks that are used for parties and business luncheons and also make snacks and sell among fellow students and friends on campus.
11. Graphics design/printing: You can learn graphics designs while still in school or desktop publishing during the holidays and once you are good enough you can offer to take design or printing jobs for your department, fellowship, faculty etc. You can also design for school journals, magazines, etc. Although you need to be creative once you are well known then I trust you will be getting a lot of jobs.
12. Tutorials: This is another thing that can get you money not just as a student but as a graduate as well. If you beleive in yourself and know you are good enough, you can organize tutorials among the students in lower levels and in some cases your level too! once you are well publicized you will be getting students from jamb as well.
13. Event planning: If you have a flair for planning parties then you can turn your sense of organisation into a money making venture. You can also go as far as learning how to decorate event venues. This is one business that is flourishing on campus as many people are embracing the services of event planners for various ceremonies.
For those who want to go into these businesses and become self employed i’d like to give a few tips to guide you. I hope you have identified your own skill among the ones i have listed above but if you havent I assure you there are thousands of other LEGAL jobs that you can do on campus i will give you a few steps you need to take before you decide to go into any business;
First off, you need to acquire the particular skill for that business that you plan to do from an expert or from a vocational school. This helps to hone your skills and helps you to learn the rudiments of the trade especislly the business part.
You need to do to register the name of your business. This was something one of my lecturers told me to do when I had a squabble with someone over the name I was using. You can register you business under the companies and allied commission. This gives you business a legal fronting and will protect your business name from being used by another person like in my own case!.
You will also need to source for funds. The easiest way to do this from your parents/guardians or relatives that you know will give you even when you ask. when you have gotten as much as 50 grand from each of them you can start something. I’d advice you to start small so you wont be losing so much if something bad goes wrong.
The next step you need to take is to buy the equipments you need from the capital you have got most of these jobs do not need to be run in a shop just mainly in your hostel room/ BQ and if your service is required from anyone you will be called on phone.
Another step is publicity and hyping your business need. I’ll advice you make T-shirts that you give around to your friends, handbills, posters, stickers etc. this goes a long way. you can even make complimentary cards that you can give to people when you see them. you can also tell anyone you know or see about it.
Lastly if you are into a business venture try not to give things out on credit. because most of these guys will collect and will not pay you back on time or not even give you at all and then you will begin to run at a loss and it could crumble your business and you will be back to square one.
It is advisable to save your income and dont just waste your income on unneccessary things that wont help your business grow. you can save them up in your account.
Well, I hope I’ve been able to give enough help. I cannot say i know how to do all but then you can talk to people who can…peace

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