Hostel life is fun and if you never attended a boarding high school and never stayed on campus in college or in the university then you’ve really missed. Hostels in the university are quite different from those in secondary schools on so many levels.
Hostel life can be fun and it can be hell on earth depending on your actions and personality. There are things you don’t do in hostels, especially unilag hostels and they are the ten hostel commandments. Obey these commandments and you would have a wonderful hostel experience.
Thou shall not float…
Squatting and floating are two different things entirely. Squatters can be overlooked but floaters are just pests. A floater is one who is being squatted by a squatter or someone whose things are in a different room but sleeps in another room. Being a floater in unilag is a no no. Floaters are frowned upon because they make life uncomfortable for other occupants and these occupants reciprocate. The consequences of floating in boys hostel is nothing compared to that in girls hostel. Girls have zero tolerance for such, so if you’re hoping to enjoy your hostel life thou shall not float.
Thou shall not steal…
Stealing in boys hostel is physical suicide because you would be beaten real bad while stealing in girls hostel is social suicide because they would ruin your reputation disgrace and embarrass you. Avoid this and your hostel life would be awesome.
Thou shall not eat alone..
Eating alone is the fastest way to make silent enemies. People would plot and hate you on a low if you’re stingy with food. Sharing food would help you make friends and allies so that when trouble comes you would have people to fight on your side. There are no islands in unilag hostels, you would definitely need help someday. So in order to make your stay comfortable ensure you make allies and friends with your food. Remember the saying, ‘eat alone and die alone’. Although it’s not like anyone would die for you if you share all your food with them [laughs]…..
Thou shall not borrow personal items..
There are things that should never be borrowed. This is mainly towards the females. Some girls borrow bra straps, hair nets and so on. These would make people look down on you and that would make your stay quite uncomfortable. Girls are awesome gossips so don’t be surprised when a girl tells that boy you have a crush on that the bra strap or waist jewelry you got on was borrowed…. [laughs]..
Thou shall not kiss and tell…
Kissing and telling is a normal trend in boys hostel. It gives you some sort of street credibility or ‘bad-guy’ reputation. Some guys are so desperate for this reputation that they make up fake stories and false sexual accomplishments. Thou shall not kiss and tell in girls hostel except you don’t mind the ‘slut’ tag. As a girl, keep your sexual adventures to yourself and to your secret diary. Keep your dirt under the carpet and your stay in the hostel would be great.
Thou shall not pick up the soap..
If your soap slips and fall in mariere Hall in unilag please just ignore it and move on with your life. It’s better to spend extra 100 Naira on a new soap than to lose your back door virginity… [laughs].. Rumor has it that there are a lot of strong and aggressive homosexual guys lurking in that Hall and you don’t want to fall a victim of such. So if your soap slips and fall just build a bridge and get over it.
Thou shall not snitch..
There are lots of things that go down in the room that are very hilarious or somewhat funny. You would get the kick to tell your friends about these stories. Stories about who snores, who is dirty, who masturbates, who wears fake shoes, who wears a stuffed bra or butt pads, who uses tissue paper because she can’t afford sanitary pads, who is bedwetting, who doesn’t bath before going to class and so on. The stories that fill each room are endless and interesting but you shouldn’t go out and tell the whole world. You can gist your friends for the thrills and to share the fun but also know that it could always come right back to you when it goes around and when the victim knows you were the one who switched, your stay in the hostel could be very uncomfortable. If it’s in boys hostel you could get yourself hurt or beaten.
Thou shall not be dirty…
Dirty students don’t get to enjoy their stay in the hostel. People look down on you and no one wants to share their things with you because they can’t stand the sight of you. Boys even have some tolerance for dirt but in a female hostel, if you’re dirty you would literally hate your stay to the point of daily frustration.
Thou shall not expose personal information..
Its really not good to give out all the details about yourself. You may think you’re being transparent, but one thing about transparent materials is that they are always breakable or fragile. Don’t give out too much information about yourself because some people would use them against you. I know of a girl who’s room mate took her father’s number from her phone and started an affair with him because she heard how rich her father was. At times you may even go the extra mile of saving your parents or loved ones numbers with different names or always ensure your phone is locked.
Thou shall not be paranoid…
Just like every hostel or dormitory, there are always those that prey on the weak. They look for the ones with fear and feast on their paranoia. It’s very human to be afraid or paranoid but do not let it be visible. Stand tall, square up, speak up and stand your ground. Don’t let anyone ride you or intimidate you. Don’t look for trouble and you would be perfectly alright.
The ten hostel commandments are very important for one to have a wonderful hostel experience. Have a nice week ahead, obey the commandments and be safe.
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source : 247parolz