All happy relationships are the same but each unhappy relationship is unique in its own way and this is deep. You must have heard the saying, “all guys are unfaithful”. It comes mostly after another popular saying which is, “all guys are the same”. Anyways it’s only a girl who has sampled many men that can boldly make this accusation. Truth is, men lie and women lie, men cheat and women cheat and Infidelity isn’t gender specific.
Over the years due to social stigma and other society factors like inequality, men have been portrayed as dogs, beings who can’t suppress their sexual urge and cheats. This has been in play for a while and most people have gotten used to a man cheating and this has taken the sting out of it. With feminism, feminist and the uproar of various gender equality advocates, people are starting to accept that females can express their sexual urge and desires same way men do without any condemnation whatsoever. So these days you find women even beating men at their own game of Infidelity [laughs]…
My top ten today is on the reasons why students in the university of Lagos cheat. I’m sure you would be able to relate to some of the reasons I’ll give and some of you may even think I’m twisted or perhaps maybe I’ve lost it. Anyways, this should be fun.
1. Flavors
I love ice-cream and I can’t be faithful to one flavor. I tried to start a relationship with chocolate once and it didn’t quite end well. Don’t get me wrong, chocolate is my best flavor, and my one true love and I would never love another as much as I love her but everytime I went to the kitchen fridge to see and spend some time with my baby I see vanilla, strawberry, banana and some half cast flavors and I get tempted. They all look so appealing and beautifully dressed with syrup and colorful toppings. I resisted for long but I eventually broke my baby’s heart.
You’re a unilag guy, you’re dating a girl and you get to see all sorts of other hot ladies with different shades and colors. It’s only a matter of time before you give one a try. Same applies for girls too. There are many good looking guys in school, some are way better and richer than the dude you love. In some cases it’s not like you don’t love your partner but it’s just the thrill that comes with trying something new or different that has the upper hand. Like the saying “new is always better”….
2. Trophy boys
Trophy boys are always good looking and attractive. They are boys who see girls as trophies they must posses. They build a reputation for themselves on their girl getting abilities. They see a good looking girl, they go after her, get her, smash her, add her to the trophy collection and on to the next. They call them ‘sure boys’, ‘bad guys’ and so on. A trophy boy would kiss and tell just to show his fans how good he is at the game. And don’t get it twisted, there are also girls who collect trophies too. They see good looking guys as trophies they must acquire and they brag about how many hot guys they have had their way with. Dating a trophy girl or guy would definitely get your heart broken.
I know a trophy boy that brags about having more hoes than a commercial agricultural farmer.
3. Self gratification vs intimacy
The balance of self gratification and intimacy in a relationship is very vital but the balance is a myth as one must always be sacrificed for the other. As humans, we all have a natural desire for self-gratification. Good food, good sex, little work, lots of sleep and for some others porn, video games, hanging out with friends, the strip club etc. As humans, we also all have a natural desire for intimacy, to feel loved by somebody else and to feel as though we are sharing our lives with somebody. These two often contradict themselves because most times to get the intimacy you desire or your partner wants you have to sacrifice your self gratification. This could be as simple as watching a movie u don’t really like, going to a party you don’t fancy, stopping some habits that give you bliss and keeping up appearances and appointments you would rather skip. And could be as deep as staying faithful when you would rather screw around if you’re naturally a flirt.
If a person values self-gratification more than the intimacy they gain from a relationship, then they will stop sacrificing for the relationship and are likely to end up cheating. If a person values the intimacy they gain from a relationship more than self-gratification, then they will willingly sacrifice some of their self-gratification to remain faithful.
Think of it like a scale. On one side you have self-gratification and on the other you have intimacy. If at any point the self-gratification side outweighs the intimacy side, well, then you get a cheater.
4. The bliss from secrets
There is this bliss that comes with keeping secrets. Thanks to movies and social media, having a secret love affair is something twisted and cool. They’ve taken the sting outer cheating by changing the name. Before it was called Infidelity, cheating, fornication but these days it’s sugar coated with titles like an affair, a secret and most people won’t mind having one.
I know guys that have girlfriends in different faculties. Some girls have boyfriends in yaba tech and even college of education [laughs]…
5. The revenge
Some girls are really crazy and cheating on them would get you in so much trouble. They could smash your car, poison you or even screw your best friend or brother.
Most girls in unilag have been made to cheat due to the Infidelity of their boyfriends. Babes don’t even bother crying or wallowing in self pity when they find out you’ve been cheating. They just look for ways to get even and counter cheating seems to be one of the most effective method of getting the required revenge. They won’t break up with you, they tell you everything is okay and plot behind your back on how to pay you back in a similar currency. I know of an MTH girl that screwed a boys junior brother because he cheated on her. The babe was really hot so I can’t blame the junior brother for not turning her down…. Turn down for what!!!!!!…
6. Thirst
I always say this is a thirsty generation, no one seems to be ever satisfied or contented. We all want more. More money, more sex, more clothes, more partners, more food, more more more….
New hall is the official unilag thirst zone. Girls hanging outside indirectly hoping for guys to holla at them. Guys walking around looking for girls to quench their chronic thirst. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is in Newhall or hangs out there then you ain’t safe. Some unilag boys are far from thirsty, they are hungry suffering from sex starvation and would Chao any girl that gives a green light.
The guys there see every girl as a bottle of water just waiting to quench their inbuilt thirst. There are the cheap girls aka pure water babes and the expensive ones aka champagne chics. So either ways you’ll find what suits your pocket and like the sprite Commercial “obey your thirst”.
7. Dating virgins
Most guys are not virgins and even if they are they would rather say they are not and there is no way to check that. Girls who are virgins and go into relationships have a very high rate of getting cheated on. Obviously you would tell a unilag boy that you are a virgin and if he dates you there would be no sex and he would tell you “no problem”. He only said so just to win your heart hoping that at some point in the relationship he would persuade you to give it up. Some virgins give it up and regret it because the dude would still cheat eventually [laughs]…. Those few ones that hold steadfast and keep their legs closed get cheated on like jamb exam haha.
The human body is not firewood and there is limit to which a guy can withstand the urge for sex. If you don’t give him something to kill his appetite he would go and get something to eat outside.
8. Long distance relationship
Imagine dating a babe in honours and you stay at jaja. That’s a long distance relationship. You won’t have the time to be keeping up appearances and I’m sure she won’t also. These leaves her vulnerable to bio Baku boys that are close by and have time for her while the guy in jaja would be comfortable meeting girls in moremi who are close by.
9. Habits
Some boys and girls in unilag just have the bad habit of cheating and being unfaithful. It’s in their genes and DNA strand to be that way. You cant change them that’s how they are.
They cheat in everything in life. Cheat in exams, blood test and even their relationships.
10. Cheats
Some just cheat because they want to. For no reason at all. They just want to know what it’s like to cheat and this ones are the most annoying tho.
Source 247parolz
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